Monday, November 19, 2007

In Praise of Leftovers

This week marks one of the greatest American holidays: Thanksgiving. It's great because it signifies thanks in a truly American way. We're thankful for everything because of all the awesome food we have and the awesome sport we have in football.

One of the best aspects of Thanksgiving is that our mega-glutton feast isn't limited to one day. No sir!!! Our traditional feast leads to days on end of overeating.

This year marks the first time ever that I will be working the day after Thanksgiving. While many Americans get up early to stand in shopping lines for hours on end, I get to wake up early to read Army architectural specifications for hours on end. With the leftover meats, I am planning on desiging and building the biggest, baddest turkey sandwich ever made.

Artist Rendering of Aaron's gigantic sandwich

I'm very fond of my leftovers -- food or otherwise. I was cruising Target last weekend with my wife and son (don' laugh, it's good times all around). Whilst strolling through the media section, my wife spotted a new Killers album called Sawdust. It's new in that it was recently released, but not so new. It's full of b-sides and previously unreleased tracks -- a "leftovers" album. While it's not quite my awesome turkey sandwich, it's still pretty good. If you like the Killers, you'll probably like this album. Half of it sounds like Hot Fuss, the other half sounds like Sam's Town.


Jack of Hearts said...

I am with you on the left-overs and working the day after thanksgiving (though I prefer Target childless). In fact, the only thing that will get me through Friday will be an hourly "pie shot."

JedBoy said...

asmith - I was wondering how good that album was going to be. It didn't get great reviews on metacritic.
But that doesn't necessarily mean I wouldn't enjoy it. My favorite b-side collection is, of course, Oasis' 'The Masterplan'

duane - i thought working for the government automatically meant you didn't have to work the day after thanksgiving. ??

currently listening 2...

currently listening to...

jazz it up!