Val Kilmer has spent his time recently composing a CD which he is now allowing us to download. He would have liked to have released the CD in a more traditional way but the major lables have refused due to Mr Kilmer's "radical" stand that North American Bison horn can be ground into a powder and then used medicinally. (note: Mr Kilmer takes this horn powder personally, up to 3 bisons worth a day. Many believe this is why he has made such a marked recovery in the past months. The only side effects appear to be that he is now 2-3 times as manly and his acting abilities are too much for current filming technology to capture.)
You can access Val's music on his MySpace page
The money made from the sale of these downloads will go directly to funding the fight against male breast cancer and the treatment of the little-studied anti-persperant addiction. (note: 1 in 90 American young men is addicted to anti-persperant. Call your congress-person and get informed today. Together we can fight this!)
~Aaron Rowley
One Million Strong for Val Kilmer
Warren Buffett, warning of ‘scoundrels’ and ‘fiscal folly,’ slashes his
exposure to U.S. stocks
Instead, the “Oracle of Omaha” has become a “committed” and “long-term”
investor in a handful of Japanese companies.
I am sure you think your funny. Val makes music which many people happen to like, he uses the money raised in selling this music to fund legitimate charities which you will find on the page you referenced and his website
I agree with "anonymous". Val does make music that people like. Stupid people.
Further, “anonymous” states "I am sure you think your (sic) funny". Actually, JedBoy is funny, and thus justified in so thinking, if, in fact, he does, as alleged, think he is funny.
Worst music ever...I was like, you've got to be joking!!
ananymous - yes, i think i'm funny. i didn't write the post though...
sacdaddy - thanks for getting my back
kristian - hey thanks for checking out the ol blog!! i actually remember being introduced to 'Top Secret' by you and Timmy...ah those were the days, eh??
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