Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Glenn's Tribute to the late LDS President Hinckley


Kristian said...

Me living in LALA land, and know the who's who of Mormons, I had NO idea Glenn beck was LDS. weird. what a touching commentary. I felt like saying "Amen" at the end.

Tyler Briggs said...

I'm a Glenn fan. I was so impressed with his tribute. For such a sarcastic person he put together a great and well deserved dedication to the great Pres Hinckley. Nicely done Glenn.

sacdaddy said...

Ty introduced me to Glenn.

JedBoy said...

kristian - I'll say 'amen' to your comment then. ;)

tybug - yeah i agree. too bad he isn't more like that on a regular basis...

sacdaddy - is that right? you and glenn are friends?

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