While Jed may be geeked about this year's summer movie lineup, I tend to look away. Recall Jed's list from his post "Let's Go to the Movies." Of the nine on the list, only Rescue Dawn is an original (albeit based on a true story) idea. From top to bottom, the list of big summer movies is relegated to a second, third, even up to a fifth helping of a good idea, or a regurgitated idea from at 1980's cartoon.
Jed is correct, this summer is chalk full of movies that are franchises full of special effects, eye dazzling scenes, and Ringling Brothers style-stunts. With Tobey Maguire making the talk sounds rounds in promotion of Spiderman 3, I've seen several extended clips from the movie. The movie has less to do with character and story than it does acrobatics. The clips don't feel like a movie -- they feel like a ride at Universal Studios. I feel like I should be given a pair of 3-D glasses for these movies, Captain EO style.
I feel that one reason for the constant pushing of these franchises comes from the need to not just be mentally stimulated, but to be "physically entertained." Hence, I post "Maximus" Crowe asking you, the reader, "Are you not entertained?" Movies, at least in the movie theater, are more than movies, they are full body experiences, much like Captain EO, or some kind of ride like that.
However, I feel that there is a deeper reason for this type of entertainment lying below the surface -- the cost of the ticket. Movie theaters are so expensive that in order to justify the payments for the awesome stereo system and digital light projection, the theater has to charge eight bucks or more to get you in. And, in order for you to fully appreciate the eight dollar movie, the awesome system and DLP have to blow your mind. It goes hand in hand -- the theater costs a lot to maintain, the movie needs to entertain to maintain.
Thus, if I'm looking forward to a roller coaster like vomit inducer, I will go see Spidey 3 or Bourne Ultimatum. But if I want to see good cinema, I might as well watch the television.
Warren Buffett, warning of ‘scoundrels’ and ‘fiscal folly,’ slashes his
exposure to U.S. stocks
Instead, the “Oracle of Omaha” has become a “committed” and “long-term”
investor in a handful of Japanese companies.
Aaron's posting makes me feel like he should go see movies at a French art house (communist). Summer movies are what America is all about - violence, loudness, and lots of money. God Bless the USA!
These summer movies are indeed about:
1) loudness and,
2) lots of money.
But certainly not violence. Pirates will not be violent. Spiderman 3 isn't violent. Potter may be the darkest, most character driven of the summer movies. As I said earlier, these movies are a continuation of previously good ideas that have become stale, like potato salad left out in the sun.
I don't need to see communist movies (that's what Sundance is for). I want to see new ideas. The summer movies will be good, but like a trip to Disneyland or Lagoon, they won't be lasting good.
I want to see a summer movie that either a)has a point OR b) knows it has no point and therefore cranks the adrenaline up to 110%.
Finally, I agree with Duane in that America is awesome. In fact, that's not even something you argue about -- whether you agree or disagree about America's awesomeness. The arugment is "How awesome is America?"
Answer: Very awesome.
Really the real question is: What cinematic genius do you watch on the ol' tube?
Reality TV is, er, "original." ;)
Thanks for the cleared up email you sent me about your post. It did sound rather negative, but I understand your point of view. There's so many sequels out there that you're wondering if Hollywood has any original ideas left and the short answer is no. Hollywood has always been about repeating itself. There's only so many stories out there. So, yes we should look for movie house experiences as events to get our money's worth. The cineplex is a director's medium and the boobtube is a writer's medium. Just look at Lost, 24, the Office. I don't know if I could justify spending $8 to see an episode of Lost in the movie theatre. This is why I definitely won't spend a penny on mormon cinema.
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