Thursday, August 30, 2007

'The Office' Summer Vacation

Andy: I am a great interviewee. Why? Because I have something no one else has: my brain. Which I use to my advantage, when advantageous.


TyandMar said...

Dang!!! I'm excited bro. Nice find. I'm linking to this on my blog fo sho. But, what's the deal with Jim and Pam? Are they really together now? No tension in the office at all? I doubt it.

JedBoy said...

Bug, that's the million dollar question isn't it? It appeared that Jim and Pam seemed all aglow, and Karen was obviously bitter. (Oh, and Ryan looked like a serial killer.)

Jack of Hearts said...

I have my doubts about this whole Ryan thing - think maybe he is doing a little too much writting? (No one knows better about bitter ex-girlfriends than Jed.)

TyandMar said...

SNAP bro! Nice shot Duane...whoever you are.

JedBoy said...

Hey! New rule: No making fun of me on my own blog.

Anonymous said...

Wait what? I'm not aloud to make fun of you?! Well see if I ever comment on your blog again...

Wendi said...

hahaha! Love it. Stealing it.

Drama and passive aggressiveness is in the line up. (Poor Karen). And, what happened to our sweet, lil' temp Ryan?

I'm ready for some Jimmie and Pam.

JedBoy said...

Wendi, you're such a blog stealer!! That's okay, as long as you give me credit on your blog. ;) Are you really ready for some Jam? I thought you were a Karen fan?

currently listening 2...

currently listening to...

jazz it up!