Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Kung Fu Padmé?

The Solomon Key is the working title of the newest Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code) page-turner. Supposedly it will deal with the secrets of Freemasons as well as Mormons (LDS). Judging from Brown’s past treatment on established religion, I’m sure he’ll be giving a fair and unbiased revisioning of our sacred heritage.

The Deathly Hallows was nothing short of amazing; it kept me riveted the entire time. I was impressed by the sudden burst of emotion I felt while Harry talked with his parents toward the end. Of course, it was overly talky—like all her books—but the finale culminated into a satisfying, almost cathartic revelation. What did you guys think? Check out this website to find some HP obitz. Here's a link to J.K. Rowling answering some of the tough questions. Thanks Bug.

Jimmy Fallon is in talks to take over for Conan O’Brien by 2009. I think he’s a acceptable choice. I’ve never been really impressed with his acting skilz, but his Weekly Update was always a treat.

Who are the next great comedic actors? This list seems to know. The Office’s cast are well represented here.

Wow. KG is going to Boston? Along with Ray Allen and Paul Pierce they should be dominating presence in the East. But, it’s the East, so who care’s really. Looks like Danny Ainge saved his job for at least a couple more years.

I’ll admit it. I have a crush on Natalie Portman. I only wish she’d star on a movie doing Kung Fu set against the backdrop of classic Disney movie. What? They’re developing my idea into a movie?


Alexia said...

So one day I was walking to the dorms at Hebrew U and saw this girl who looked exactly like natalie portman. turns out that she was spending the year there and had just caused a national scandal by kissing an Israeli actor at the wailing wall.

JedBoy said...

oh, i heart natalie portman.

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jazz it up!