The Solomon Key is the working title of the newest Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code) page-turner. Supposedly it will deal with the secrets of Freemasons as well as Mormons (LDS). Judging from Brown’s past treatment on established religion, I’m sure he’ll be giving a fair and unbiased revisioning of our sacred heritage.
The Deathly Hallows was nothing short of amazing; it kept me riveted the entire time. I was impressed by the sudden burst of emotion I felt while Harry talked with his parents toward the end. Of course, it was overly talky—like all her books—but the finale culminated into a satisfying, almost cathartic revelation. What did you guys think? Check out this website to find some HP obitz. Here's a link to J.K. Rowling answering some of the tough questions. Thanks Bug.
Jimmy Fallon is in talks to take over for Conan O’Brien by 2009. I think he’s a acceptable choice. I’ve never been really impressed with his acting skilz, but his Weekly Update was always a treat.
Who are the next great comedic actors? This list seems to know. The Office’s cast are well represented here.
Wow. KG is going to
I’ll admit it. I have a crush on Natalie Portman. I only wish she’d star on a movie doing Kung Fu set against the backdrop of classic Disney movie. What? They’re developing my idea into a movie?
So one day I was walking to the dorms at Hebrew U and saw this girl who looked exactly like natalie portman. turns out that she was spending the year there and had just caused a national scandal by kissing an Israeli actor at the wailing wall.
oh, i heart natalie portman.
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