Friday, October 12, 2007

To Boldly Go…

Casting for the new Star Trek movie seems to be rounding out as new reports are trickling in of the latest to join the pre-television series U.S.S. Enterprise. It appears that J.J. Abrams, the director, is taking the franchise into a bold new direction. Instead of using past Star Trek television stars, Abrams is casting young and relatively unknown actors to man the 60s sci-fi ship. While trying to appeal to a broader audience is the obvious reason that Abrams has broken from Star Trek tradition, some Trekkers are worried that he may fly the franchise off course, however, most have taken a ‘wait-and-see’ attitude.

A Mexican politician was stripped of his first-place title after it was uncovered that he took a shortcut. Officials opened an investigation after a race photographer noted that he finished the marathon wearing a jacket and long running tights; he also wasn’t sweating and he looked like he had just come from a fiesta. He shot back that he never intended to complete the race, but was simply crossing the finish line to get to all of his things. Since when do you cross a finish line pumping your arms in the air just to collect your belongings? Here’s the video. Compare his triumphant finish to that of his running counterparts who are on the verge of death.

So, what did you guys think of ‘The Office’ last night. I was reading some blogs on-line and some people were complaining that the hour-long episodes are just too much. Even my brother said that it seemed like they were just trying to fill space in some areas. I’m not sure how I feel. I think that I laughed quite a bit: Meredith’s hip cast, Andy’s song to Angela, Michael and Dwight making fun of Ryan. But, I would agree that the whole kidnapping incident seemed a little too ‘out there.’ Kind of like when Michael drove his car into the river on the last episode. I don’t know. What do you guys and gals think?

One last thing: I couldn’t watch ‘The Office’ on DVR because it wasn’t working for some reason, so I sat and watched all the commercials for fear that I might miss even one second. There’s all these lame Jerry Seinfeld promos for his new movie on. Uh, L.A.M.E. I didn’t think they were very funny at all, and it caused me not to want to watch his new movie.


Jen said...

maybe I'm just too easy to please, but I loved every minute of the kidnapping scenario and have been so so happy to watch hour long episodes of The Office.
I guess I should add the disclaimer that it truly is the only tv I watch the entire week EVER, I force my kids to go to bed on time and sit on the couch doing nothing but watching and laughing. I will be sad when the hour long episodes revert back to half don't complain, the producers might be reading :)

Jack of Hearts said...

After episode 3 I am even more convinced that the Office is way too over-the-top for their style, which has always relied on subtlety punctuated by outrageousness. Now it is the opposite. It only took them 3 years to reach what happened to the Simpsons in 8.

JedBoy said...

jen - i'm glad you're liking 'the office' so much right now. i don't feel like i'm actually complaining, but more like commenting on a show that i care about.

duane - you're not the only one who's thinks that 'the office' has veered off course. i'll put up a link to an article someone emailed me.

Unknown said...

Here is a good link of you want to see the then and now pics with the original cast and the new cast for Star Trek:

currently listening 2...

currently listening to...

jazz it up!