Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Who Is More Famousr?

So, for my first ever blog post I thought I would say something exceptionally stupendous, but instead I'm going to add a game to my blog. It's the Who Is More Famousr? game. I got to 31 in a row before losing to John Goodman and Brad Garrett. Really? John Goodman is more famousr than Emmy-winner Brad Garrett? Whatever. Anyway, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Jed, I don't like that game. I only got 3 right. How can Uma be more famous than Goldie?!

JedBoy said...

Jojo, actually the correct phrasing would be "How can Uma be more famousr than Goldie?!" I was wondering how they decided these too. Does the game affect the voting? Like if more people vote for Uma, for example, does she become more famousr?

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