I was watching Lost last night and noticed an interesting sign. Juliet's seduction to become one of the Others took place in the lobby of their aviation division with a sign that said Herarat Aviation-btw, I love DVR. Anyway, Herarat is an
anagram for Earhart, as in
Amelia Earhart, the aviator who went famously missing in 1937 with her navigator. Many suspect that she and her navigator crash landed on an island somewhere in the South Pacific. Some researchers think they have even found parts of their plane, clothes, and even remnants of graves. Which is a little more than interesting when considering that in Lost's first season, the Losties found an "Adam & Eve" type grave near the caves. It's only a theory, but it's kind of intriguing. What do you guys think? What do you think of Juliet? Good or bad? More
Wow, all I have to say after last nights episode was-wow. I mean the part where Juliet totally anihilated Sawyer and Sayid-when they were the ones that had the guns! I was totally sold that she was the victim after Jack's "One of us" speech. O man...the end? So dissappointing, and yet nastily intriguing. What're you up to Juliet? Is she just doing what Ben says to get off the island? Or is she gonna pull through for Jack? Is there any way Jack, or anyone, will find out what she's up to before it's too late? What else does Ben want her to do? Any suggestions???
For some reason I tend to think that Juliet is good. I think she just wants to get off the island and is doing whatever possible in order to do that. At this point, it means following Ben until she can get her moment. I also think that even though it appears that Jack is convinced she's good, he's just waiting and watching. The hero of the series can't be a complete idiot. I mean Juliet told him that she had handcuffed Kate and dragged her out into the jungle and Jack didn't even say anything. Either he's been brainwashed or he's just biding his time...
Here's a thought...Ben must be special. He seems to not receive the health benefits that the island provides. 1. He got cancer. The island isn't supposed to allow cancer. 2. He was born on the island. I thought Clair was the only person to give birth on the island?? Either Ben was lying (which wouldn't be surprising), Juliette was lying (which also wouldn't be surprising) or there's a glich in the series.
Also, very interesting about the Amelia Earhart thing...crazy.
Buglet, I think you're right about Ben being special. But at the same time, I think everyone on the island is special in some way, ahhh. What I mean is when Ben asked Locke if he thought he understood the island better than him Locke said, "well, I'm the one whose not in a wheel chair." It might come down to old smokie who decides can have special treatment on the island. Remember: (1) Locke can walk (2) Rose's sickness went away (3) Sun was able to get pregnant. Maybe the island works for the people that really believe in it? One more thing: I tend to think that Ben really was born on the island and that the Others became infertile sometime after that. Maybe because of the Dharma Initiative?
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